Friday 9 June 2017

Newsletter - 09.06.2017

Friday 9th June,  2017
Weekly Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back. We hope you have all had a fantastic half term with your families. Luckily, we were blessed with wonderful weather over the break. We are now into the last half term of the year and, in my opinion, the most exciting! Enjoy all of the upcoming events this summer!
Year 5 Residential - Mersea Island
This week our year 5 pupils braved the weather at Mersea Island. Even though there were gale force winds and torrential rainfall they all had a wonderful time. Congratulations to each and everyone of you for carrying on despite the weather with a smile on your face. We know that some of you faced your fears during your time in Mersea but fear is nothing but an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming your fears you all moved forward stronger and wiser and we are all very proud of you. A huge thank you to our amazing staff who encouraged and supported the pupils and kept them safe while they were away from their families.

Diary Dates
Next week is poetry week and healthy eating week in school.
Class Photo Day - Monday 12th June
Monday is Class Photo Day… so make sure you have the hair brushed, teeth sparkling and uniform pressed!
Year 3 are taking part in a WW2 workshop on Mday 12th June. Broadford’s Got Talent auditions are being held at lunchtime for pupils in years 1 & 2. Aspen class in reception are visiting Central Park for a lovely summer picnic.
On Tuesday choirs from our cluster schools are visiting Broadford for a music festival rehearsal. This is in preparation for the festival which is on 23rd June at the Queen’s Theatre in Hornchurch. It is the turn of year 3&4 pupils on Tuesday lunchtime to audition for BGT. On Tuesday afternoon KS2  pupils will be taking part in a House Rounders competition.
Sharing Assembly:  Year 1 9.00am  Wednesday 14th June
We are delighted to welcome the parents of pupils in year 1 for their Sharing Assembly on Wednesday morning. At lunchtime on Wednesday year 5&6 pupils will have a chance to audition for BGT as well as taking part in a Romeo and Juliet workshop. In the afternoon Alder class will be visiting the park and year 1 pupils will be taking part in a Christian workshop.
On Thursday we would like to invite all year 1 parents to join the pupils for their maths party. Year 5 will be watching a performance of Macbeth by the Sky Blue Theatre company. Apple class are visiting the park for their summer picnic experience. Rev Rich is visiting to work with year 6 to give the pupils the opportunity to start thinking about their transition to secondary school.
We finish the week with a year 5&6 cycling day and all parents of year 4 pupils are invited to the maths party on Friday.

Key Dates for the rest of the Summer Term
Monday 12th June - Class photograph and year 6 leavers photographs
Wednesday 14th June - Year 1 sharing assembly
Thursday 15th June - Year 1 maths party
Friday 16th June - Year 4 maths party
Wednesday 21st June - Year 2 sharing assembly
Friday 23rd June - INSET day school closed
Friday 23rd June - Junior Music festival @ queens theatre, 7pm
Wednesday 28th June - Getting ready for secondary parents session with Rev Rich @ 6 pm.
Friday 30th June - Year 5 maths party

Saturday 1st July - LFPA summer fete @ Mead, 12- 4pm
Wednesday 5th July - Spinebreakers Sharing assembly
Friday 7th July - Year 6 maths party
Monday 10th July - Reception and KS1 sports morning
Tuesday 11th July - Year 6 leavers evening
Wednesday 12th July - Clubs sharing assembly
Wednesday 12th July - KS2 sports day
Monday 17th July - Parents evening
Tuesday 18th July - Year 6 production (afternoon)
Tuesday 18th July - Parents meeting secondary transfer, 3.30 pm
Wednesday 19th July - Nursery closes
Friday 21st July - End of term

All dates are available on the calendar from the school website. On the front page at the top right hand side, click on the calendar label which will direct you straight to the electronic calendar.
All of the dates are published on our weekly newsletter which can be accessed via the school website, facebook or twitter. Or alternatively you can request hard copies or email versions from the school office.

Summer Sun
After the rainfall this week, I am hoping that we will start to experience some warmer weather soon. I would like to ask all parents to ensure that children have sun protection applied before they arrive at school. . It is also recommended that children bring caps/hats into school to wear during outdoor times. We will ensure that pupils have access to plenty of water throughout the day to keep them fully hydrated. Thank you for your support and co-operation in this matter.

Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 12th June will be week 2 on the Havering catering menu.

Next week you will receive a letter informing you of your child’s sQuid registration number and details for setting up your account. School staff are receiving training in regards to the new system today so we will be able to give out further information next week. This new system will be going live from 21st June. From this date the school kitchen and office will be completely cashless.

Weekly Attendance
KS1: - Cedar class 96.6%         KS2: - Maple class 97.1% Overall:  94%
Congratulations to Cedar and Maple who top the attendance table this week.  

E for Excellence Winners:
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Emily Sharpe
Arya Shah
Adam Riaz
Martina Rensch
Mia Borisova
Sacha Raif
Tyler Kelly
Trinity Hawkes
Tilly Butler
Bobby Skipp
Violet Chilton
Caitlin Bowden
Harry Kaylor
Iasha Sillah
Adam Abubakr
Harry Vincent
Certificate of Presentation:
The following children have presented their work beautifully and take pride in all that they do in their books.
Temira Hascar, Isabelle Munford, Timi Adelowo, Isabelle Curtis-Rich, Grace Leadbitter, Abena Pim-Wusu, Godswill Hartford, Yasmin Satti, Jessica Chilvers.

Star Writers:
These children have been awarded a star writer certificate and golden pencil in recognition of their excellent writing, use of powerful vocabulary and sophisticated writing  techniques.
Jessica Sampson, Laicey McGeoghan, Giulia Vargas, Chloe Kirk, Ella Lockhart, Summer-Rose Trew, Samanyu Handoo, Chiwendu Nwaokolo, Jeremiah Adegbite, Charlie Randall, Maddison Asling.

Learning Power Awards:
These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life.

These children have demonstrated effective reciprocity this week – able to listen carefully, work collaboratively and take turns. Peiyce Egan, Oliver Hatwell, Finley Livingstone, Sienna Watson, Maisie Caine, Malachi Wright,Molly-May Bailey, Nancy Rack, Nela Urban.

These children have shown that they can manage distraction, notice patterns and become absorbed in their tasks – well done for your Resilience certificate.
Isaac Wright, Lewis Makolli, Polina Backane, Lacey Joyett.

These children have managed to show that they can plan and revise ideas to earn their Reflectiveness certificate.
Bobby Peek, Alex Kopiec, Adi Kaushal.

Learning Challenge
These children have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.
Blake Maddox, Molly Vincent, Katlyn Mukandavire

Reading Awards
In recognition of the pupils’ ability to devour books, immerse themselves in stories and read relentlessly at home.
Bronze Reader Award
Jolene Frimpong
Amelia Davis, Rebeca Antonoaie, Tomi Adelowo, Teddie Gabriel, Jaevon-Omari Petrie, Betty Rose Nichols, Emily Sharpe, Richie Houlston, Harry Maskell, Neo Chambers.

Silver Reader Award
Ronnie Mersh, Charlie Simpson.
Gold Reader Award
Hannah Wellings, Ruby Welch, Archie Baker.  
Platinum Reader Award
Victoria Pawlak

Maths Challenge
These pupils have used their ability to think both mathematically and creatively to solve maths challenges.
Kanishka Chintala, Rajaab Imran, Olivia Bartnik, Matthew Munjere,

Happy Teacher
Rashid Sillah has made his teacher happy as has had a very focused week in school and has completed all of his jobs.

Project Superstar
These children have earned a  project superstar award in recognition of the projects that they completed at home.
Asroosh Valliani, Samanyu Handoo, Daniel Tonu

Tracker Awards
These children have been working hard and achieving academic success and therefore have earned themselves the following rewards.  
Silver certificate - Nacy Rack
Prestige silver certificate - Arya Shah
Golden bookmark - Lily O’Leary
Golden certificate -  Jolene Frimpong, Lily O’Leary
Platinum certificate- Moyin Ayodola, James Olatunji
Platinum prize - Kanishka Chintala, Katlyn Mukandavire
Diamond prize - Ranita Ariyibi, Hayden Northwood
Diamond Tracker - Zac Nickson, Chloe Kirk
Star prize - Paige McGeoghan

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Nicholls


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