Friday, 24 February 2017

JTA Conference

Today Miss Chau and the JTAs attended the Havering School Travel Plan Conference at MyPlace. The day featured mini-presentations from a wide range of speakers, including Junior Travel Ambassadors from other schools; representatives from Transport for London, Havering and MTR Crossrail and PCSOs and officers from the Havering Safer Travel teams. 

Our team, who only have a short time left before they handover to the new JTAs, were specifically asked to present the strategies and events we have implemented at Broadford in order to share them with the 15 other Havering schools who attended. They talked about Bling My Bike, Walkers' Breakfast and the Walking Bus. 

It is our responsibility to share our ideas with other schools in the area so that we can make Havering a greener place. 
Elizabeth Ositelu, Redwood 

One of the biggest issues at the moment is improving air quality and reducing air pollution. Havering will be rolling out 'Miles the Mole' to promote this new focus in the borough and our JTAs were some of the first to watch his promotional animation which will be shown in schools across the borough later this term. 

It was good to hear that the effort the JTAs have been making has made a positive impact on sustainable travel in Havering. The number of children who scoot to school in the borough is 6%, which is higher than the London average. This was the same with cycling: more children cycle to school in Havering than the London average. This shows that the initiatives we are executing at Broadford are making pupils in Havering more aware of being responsible citizens who support sustainable travel.
Amelia Chau, Year 6 Lead

Stay tuned for lots of fun activities and initiatives which we will be participating in over the next few months. For now, make sure you put 20th-31st March in the diary for the Big Pedal!

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