Saturday 25 February 2012

Incredible Tudor Display

As part of their work related to the Take One Building project, the Year 5&6 children have produced a fantastic display for the main corridor. Take a look at the stunning art work, read the interesting stories and learn more about the Tudors. All of the children have throughly enjoyed this topic based approach and gained a lot from it. Having such a bloodthirsty character to focus on certainly helps to inspire their interest.

In one Year 5 class this week, they were learning about the death of Sir Thomas More. Their writing was packed with quality vocabulary: splattered, salty tears, thick with crimson blood and the smell of unwashed peasants!

What an eye catching display!

Can you spot the WOW Vocabulary?

A simple border makes a stunning impact!

There are rumours circulating that some of our Year 5/6 pupils may be hired to paint a portrait of the Queen for her Diamond Jubilee now these amazing efforts have been made public.

Who can believe that such a distinguished looking man could be so bloodthirsty?

We have tried to use our -ly sentence starters. Can you spot them?

More WOW vocabulary to describe the key characters.

Would you be prepared to be beheaded for what you believed in?

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